Ken O’Keefe Calls on U.S. Military to Throw Down Their Weapons!
Ken O’Keefe Calls on U.S. Military to Throw Down Their Weapons and refuse illegal orders! Here are the sobering highlights from Ken O’Keefe’s interview with PressTV on what’s really going on in Syria.
- Did Bashar al-Assad gas his own people?
- Where is the evidence?
- What are we really doing there?
- What is the plan?
- Who are we fighting for?
The fact of the matter is, our Military has a duty NOT to follow illegal orders, especially in illegal wars based on lies and False Flag Operations.
Nobody speaks as bravely and articulately as Ken O’Keefe, so please share this information with your family and friends. It is critical that the American people understand the real issues behind these wars vs supporting them blindly based on government and main stream media propaganda. Millions of innocent lives depend upon us getting the truth out.
Thank you Brother Ken for always speaking truth!
TJP (Truth Justice Peace)
Check out Ken’s other amazing videos!
Video biography for Ken O’Keefe with videos produced by Ken O’Keefe under TJP (Truth Justice Peace).
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The Rothschilds (German Jews) had more money than governments and didn’t want it confiscated, they needed a safe haven to protect their wealth. The Rockefellers and Rothschild Zionists set up their “Federal” Reserve in 1913 along with their criminal collection agency the IRS. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 showing the intent to make a “Jewish” state in Palestine, against the Torah.
(“…United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…”)
Then the Rothschild and Rockefeller families create the UN and about 1948 take over Palestine using their alliance with the British and the UN; Party A (Britain) gives Party B’s property (Palestine) to Party C (Rothschild’s Zionist Israel). Israel is the head of the snake and the “Federal” Reserve. – Nicky Nelson