Our 2016 Radio Shows & Our Radio Ads make History!

WHY the FCC licensed Major Radio & TV Stations
MUST run the ads of Federal Candidates
The Reasonable Access Law is an essential informational and educational weapon in the arsenal of everyday Americans, but its existence needs to be widely known, and utilized on as wide a scale as possible. That is the purpose and mission of this booklet.
This is a summary of an upcoming book with the first 5 chapters included entitled: “What’s The Reasonable Access Law?”
Download the Summary below:
What’s the Reasonable Access Law Summary

Below you will find video and audio files from 2016 where The Reasonable Access strategy was used leading up to the Presidential Election in the form of 1-Hour Radio Shows on Sunday afternoons on 55KRC in Cincinnati, Ohio. We also ran ads in between shows every hour as funds allowed on: WGRR | WLW | 97.7 FM | 103.5 FM – Some ads were reportedly heard in 38 states at night!
We need constitutional candidates running for office in all 50 states – enabling real information to get to our fellow Americans over Big TV & Radio Nationwide! Injecting reality into the lives of millions of people who would otherwise never hear this type of hard-hitting information is critical to the cause of truth & liberty.

55KRC in Cincinnati Ohio – November 6, 2016 – Last Show
This was Our Last Show, but the good news is our Radio Ad Made History!
Analysis leading up to the November 8, 2016 Presidential election day, focusing on the dynamics facing the Ruling Elite now that Trump had brought election rigging and computer rigging to the forefront. It was correctly forecast that the Ruling Elite may have to go with Trump since a Hillary victory would not be believable to most Americans. Our Special Guest is Matthew Heimbach. Mr. Heimbach is the Chairman of the Traditionalist Worker Party. The last part of the program deals with more dynamics of world realities, and solutions.
While anyone who listens to our broadcasts or looks at our websites knows that our economic program is designed to lift all peoples, and that we believe the races, classes, and nations are meant to be like different parts of a symphony orchestra making beautiful music, we also believe that it is appropriate for White people to organize for their own interests, like other groups do.
Given the invasion of Europe and the USA with war-created refugees and illegal immigrants, orchestrated to the tune of trillions of dollars by the worldwide Jewish Shadow Government, with a goal to make White people a minority in every country — we thought it was appropriate to talk to a White Rights leader who is organizing for the interests of White people. The brainwashing by the Jewish-controlled Big Media is such that Americans think that it’s OK to organize for Black rights, Hispanic rights, and Jewish rights — but that it is racist for White people to organize for their own interests.
Born in 1991, Matthew awakened to White Nationalist politics in college when he started a chapter of Youth for Western Civilization (YWC) at Towson University.
Since graduating with a B.S in History, Matthew Heimbach was instrumental in creating the Traditionalist Youth Network, a college and high school based group to educate, organize, and mobilize college students to the principles of faith, family, and folk.
Realizing the need for a political voice for White Americans, Mr. Heimbach met with leaders of different nationalist organizations to establish the Traditionalist Worker Party.
Matthew Heimbach has been able to forge strong ties with European nationalist movements on behalf of the TWP.
Mr. Heimbach is married with one child, he lives in Indiana with his growing family.
The Traditionalist Worker Party website is here: www.tradworker.org
Note: We would implore all white-rights groups to ditch the Jewish-Bankster created mask of socialism, including National Socialism, which is meant to unnecessarily regiment mankind, and adopt Social Credit (National Credit) which creates a much better economy without the contrived, unnecessary centralized planning.
Our 60-second Radio Ad about the International Bankers and the Rigging of Presidential Elections made broadcasting history. We ran our “Trump-Bankster-Election-Fraud” Ad just about every hour on the 50,000 watt Talk Stations WKRC-AM and WLW-AM from about 6 AM to Midnight on Thursday November 3, 2016. It was reported that this ad reached people in 38 states!
About 4:30 PM, both WLW and WKRC added this to the front of our ad each time they played it:
“The following is a paid political announcement and the station is required by law to air it.”
As far as we know, no political ad in the history of radio has ever involved an FCC-licensed station telling their audience that they were REQUIRED by law to run it.
Again, with just a few thousand dollars we can see how effective these ads are and more importantly, what the other side is truly afraid of.
Just like the Ruling Elite is afraid of a Precinct movement/Militia movement (properly understood according to the articles and works of Dr. Edwin Vieira) – is ready to spring into action at NetworkAmerica.org
Now to our last radio show of this election season, this Sunday, November 6, 2016, at 2 PM EST:
If you’re in the greater Cincinnati, Ohio, you can hear the show on AM radio at 550 AM, or WKRC-AM radio. Some people have been able to hear the show this way, some people not. If you are having problems, try different browsers – but there is no question that in the past years sometimes iHeart (formerly Clear Channel) has messed with our broadcasts. (All of our 60-second radio ads pointed people to our website and alerted the listener to the 2 PM Sunday radio shows on WKRC.
Today we will have Dr. Kiumars Kiani (Dr. Q) who is running for US Congress in Ohio’s first congressional district. It is through Dr. Q’s congressional campaign that we are able to get these shows on the Big Talk Radio Stations via the Reasonable Access Law.
I, Jim Condit Jr., am his Campaign Manager and Co-host. Listeners can again look forward to Nicky Nelson as our special guest. We will be addressing the Presidential Election and computer fraud, tying up a few loose ends, and propounding our Action Plan to take back the country from the ominous Shadow Government.
Again, the station we are on, WKRC-AM (550 AM), is a 50,000 watt station that airs Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Dave Ramsey, Mike Levin, and Coast to Coast AM with George Noury during weekdays.
If a few thousand people would support these strategies which the OTHER SIDE knows are effective, instead of all the non-effective political strategies pushed by the Tea Parties, Campaign for Liberty, Right to Life, etc. etc. – and if a few hundred thousand people would join NetworkAmerica.org and enter the precinct system to take back the major parties and take back the Congress, WE WOULD BE ON THE VERGE OF TAKING BACK THE NATION WITHIN ONE YEAR!
Everyone into the Battle!

55KRC in Cincinnati Ohio – October 30, 2016
False Flag Attacks, Israel behind 9-11, 100% Jewish Media Control, Computerized Election Fraud, Social Media Censorship by Israel, The Origins and Principles of Freedom and more…
Special input by Christopher Bollyn – The problem as I see it in a nutshell:

Author of Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, Christopher Bollyn
“Israel has not changed its stripes. It is still a state that is based on the ideology of Zionism, which is a state for Jews where non-Jews live as second-class citizens, without basic rights. How can an American support such a racial state? Why is it that Jews in America who support racial equality in America fail to demand the same thing in Israel? They demand equality for themselves or even special treatment but allow Israel to continue as a racist and apartheid state. Complete hypocrisy! When one understands that Zionism (and Israel) is behind: – the false-flag terrorism of 9/11 and the fraudulent War on Terror; – the miserable plight of millions of Palestinian refugees; – the wars of terrorism in the Middle East (e.g. Syria, Iraq), and; – the rabid anti-Russia politics and fear-mongering… Well, then the situation is quite clear. Anyone who understands that the Zionist State of Israel is the real cause and is at the root of these problems, and still supports Israel — is part of the problem.

Then you understand that Israel is behind the wars in Iraq and Syria… to dismantle these large Arab states as per the Yinon Plan (“Greater Israel”) for domination of the Middle East.
The anti-Russia politics are also Zionist plots to prevent the super-powers from working together and demanding a solution to the Palestinian refugee crisis…”

55KRC in Cincinnati Ohio – October 23, 2016
The Jewish Lobby & Shadow Government!
Topics covered included: The Jews who control the media (all 5 networks and major publications), Israel blew up the Towers on 9-11, Christian Zionism, Zionist Jews erasing our real history, Foreign (mostly Jewish) bankers control the “Federal” Reserve (1913) and their collection agency, the IRS (1913) and their Protection Agency, the ADL (1913).
Israel’s bombing of the USS Liberty, Computerized Election Fraud, The murder of President Kennedy and much more!
From the show – The Jews that Own the Media (All 5 Networks and Major Publications)
Thanks to Brother Nathanael for this information. You can check out more of his work at http://RealJewNews.com
Here is the RADIO AD we played in between Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck during the week leading up to the Presidential Election. We reached millions of people when we successfully raised an additional $4,500 to runs these ads that were reportedly heard in 38 states!
WKRC-AM (550 AM) is a 50,000 watt station that airs Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Dave Ramsey, Mike Levin, and Coast to Coast AM with George Noury during weekdays.
55KRC in Cincinnati Ohio – October 16, 2016
Dr. Kiumars Kiani (Dr. Q) | Jim Condit Jr. | Ken O’Keefe | Nicky Nelson
Our Special Guest is Ken O’Keefe!
Today we will cover a panorama of subjects from the Congressional Campaign to suppressed news you won’t hear on the main stream media.

55KRC in Cincinnati Ohio – October 9, 2016
Here is the entire recording from Sunday’s show – showing where iHeart Radio censored the copy they sent to us (to upload to social media) after the show aired live in Cincinnati.
All of the links substantiating what we discuss in this show are listed below.
We have Ken O’Keefe joining us this Sunday, October 16th. Can’t wait to see what they censor from that show, but you can Listen Live from 2pm – 3pm EST at 55krc.com or locally at 550 AM in Cincinnati, Ohio.
These are paid political programs sponsored by Dr. Kuimars Kiani for Congress 2016 that we can only get out every 2 years under the Reasonable Access Law.
Enjoy the show and remember we’ll be on at the same time every Sunday for the next 3 weeks!
We added an intro explaining what was censored and the censored parts are from around 27:00 – 36:00 and then again from 55:52 – to the end of the show.
After a three week tough fight with the FCC and iHeart Radio – we won and we’re back on the radio today! Listen in at 2pm at 55krc.com & locally at 550 AM in Cincinnati, Ohio.
For the next five weeks, “Let Freedom Ring 2016.com – The Radio Show” will be sponsored by “Dr. Q”, Dr. Kuimars Kiani for Congress 2016. Jim Condit Jr., Dr. Q’s campaign manager will be co-hosting these critical shows with him. We will be on every Sunday at 2 PM EST until November 6, 2016 – the last Sunday before the November 8, 2016 election.
WKRC-AM (550 AM) is a 50,000 watt station that airs Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Dave Ramsey, Mike Levin, and Coast to Coast AM with George Noury during weekdays.
As FCC-licensed stations, WKRC (and WLW) are forced to run our program and 1-minute ads under the Reasonable Access Law. We spent $191.75 running 3 one-minute ads Saturday morning on WLW between 6 AM and 10 AM in order to alert people in a 90 mile radius around Cincinnati, Ohio that the Sunday show was going to run on WKRC from 2PM to 3 PM EST.
It should be good radio you won’t hear anywhere else on the main stream airwaves.
In these shows we’ll be covering everything we can, especially the Election Night Gatekeepers who have in their hands the power to computer rig the November Election against Trump and for the abominable DUD and open Felon/Criminal Hillary Clinton, IF they think they can get away with it. We will be covering Trump’s severe problems, regarding his past, as well.
Everyone can see the blockbuster documentation and evidence at the documentation tab of LetFreedomRing2016.com and ElectionNightGatekeepers.com.
If you do want to help reach the general public over MAJOR AM RADIO STATIONS, with tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands listening at any given segment – then you can do so by donation from $1 to $2500 per person at LetFreedomRing2016.com – and then hit the donate button at the right. Or donate to Dr. Q for Congress 2016 at ElectDrQ.com.
Don’t forget to tune in every Sunday from 2pm – 3pm EST for the next 4 weeks at 55krc.com & listen locally at 550 AM in Cincinnati, Ohio.

55KRC in Cincinnati Ohio – September 11, 2016
Jim Condit Jr. | Dr. Kiumars Kiani

55KRC in Cincinnati Ohio – May 29, 2016
Christopher Bollyn | Jim Condit Jr.
Christopher Bollyn Joins my Sunday Radio Show Lineup
The man viewed by many as the world’s top Investigative Reporter, Christopher Bollyn, joins my Sunday Radio Show Lineup Next week, May 29th, 2016, investigative reporter Christopher Bollyn will join me from Europe. We will start with his research on 9-11 in light of the continuing, contrived “war on terror” and the endless US military involvement in the Mideast – who knows where things will go from there.
(Investigative Reporter Christopher Bollyn pictured at left)
All of my “LetFreedomRing2016.com” Sunday radio shows (sponsored by Jim Condit Jr. for Congress 2016) air at 2 PM EST on the 50,000 Talk Radio Station WKRC (550 AM) in the Greater Cincinnati, Ohio area, and on 55krc.com on the world wide web.
Help me reach NEW PEOPLE over AM radio via the 1-hr radio shows and 60-sec spots advertising these shows. At drive time these 60-sec spots reach 150,000 to 300,000 people. And these radio shows always point people to a website that can open a whole new world of information to them: the exact body of information that Rush, Hannity, FOX, CNN, and all other Big Media are hiding from them.
And help me organize the country through the precinct project via NetworkAmerica.org. See 6-minute video on the home page at NetworkAmerica.org, also found here:
For a quick explanation of the entire action program, go here: http://letfreedomring247.com/the-plan/
To make a one time or monthly recurring donation, go here:
LetFreedomRing2016.com, top of right hand column
Our mailing address is:
Jim Condit Jr. for Congress
PO Box 11555, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

55KRC in Cincinnati Ohio – May 22, 2016
Jim Condit Jr. | Caller: George
This week, May 22, 2016, Sunday at 2 PM EST I will host a show dealing with the hidden origins of Communism in light of the Marxist-Communist cultural rot assaulting us today.
My guest for this week’s topic will be the talk show caller known to the local Cincinnati audience as George. Listeners from anywhere in the world can tune in at 55krc.com and hear one of the most articulate and compelling callers in all of talk radio, anywhere in the world, help me pull back the curtain on this most important subject.
Everyone in the greater Cincinnati, Ohio area can listen on WKRC Talk Radio, 550 AM, a 50,000 watt radio station on which Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Mark Levin are heard on weekdays.
Info & Links to the subjects covered on the shows:
The Sane Progressive – Debbie Lusignan – YouTube
Christopher Bollyn at www.Bollyn.com
US Iraq Redux in Syria, Must Watch C-Span Video, Israel Censoring Facebook Content
The Sane Progressive – Debbie Lusignan – YouTube
Syria War Propaganda Drumming Up Hard, Corporate Media is LYING Again…
The Sane Progressive – Debbie Lusignan – Facebook
The Woman’s Boat to Gaza – Bios of Participants
Check out Christopher Bollyn’s Book:
Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World
The History of Israel’s Terrorist Attacks: www.bollyn.com
Greater Israel: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
The Infamous “Oded Yinon Plan”. Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky
“Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates.
The Zionist project supports the Jewish settlement movement. More broadly it involves a policy of excluding Palestinians from Palestine leading to the eventual annexation of both the West Bank and Gaza to the State of Israel.
Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. (See map).
Kurds – Breakthrough Research on the “Greater Israel” Project
Intro by Jim Condit Jr. – We believe that this information may be so “hot” that we’ve published it in “rough” form just to get the information out there.
This research indicates that, dating back to 1590, at least the leaders of the Kurds were crypto-Jews, meaning Jews who hide their identity under another identity, in this case generally presenting themselves to the world as “Muslims.”
Incredibly, the current leaders of the Kurds, the Barzani aka Barazani family, were also the leaders in the Kurdish community in Iraq stretching back to 1590, constituting a kind of dynasty of this “people without a country” like the Romanovs in Russia or the Hapsburgs in Europe.
- One example: “Asenath Barzani, also Asenath Barazani (1590–1670) the daughter of the eminent Rabbi Samuel HaLevi Barzani, was a renowned Kurdish Jewish woman who lived in Mosul, Iraq. Her writings showed her mastery of Hebrew, Torah, Talmud, Midrash, and Kabbalah. She is considered the first female rabbi of Jewish history by some scholars; additionally, she is the oldest recorded female Kurdish leader in history.”
- Additionally: Infamous terrorist and founder of the Likud Party of Israel, Menachem Begin, requested in his will that he be buried on Mount Olive in Israel next to terrorist Moshe Barazani, an Iraqi-born Kurdish Jew with the Stern Gang (June 14, 1926 – April 21, 1947).
The Kurds are presented to the world by the Jewish Shadow-Government-controlled major TV Networks in the United States as downtrodden nomads who wander through the desert in search of food while being heavily and unjustly persecuted by the governments of the region, especially the government of Saddam Hussein until it was toppled by the Israeli-orchestrated US invasion of Iraq which launched in 2003. In fact, the Kurds have been a disruptive force in all of the host countries in which they have imposed themselves, including Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey and are currently involved in terrorism in all of those countries.
The truth is far different. The reader will be shocked at how well the Kurds are funded by the hi-jacked US government. This research indicates that the Kurds are now a leading element in the “Greater Israel” project, i.e., the effort to expand modern day Israel’s borders to the Biblical borders described in the Old Testament and mentioned in the Prophecy of Assyria.
In our opinion, the 9-11 False Flag terror attacks in 2001 were designed primarily, as regards foreign policy, to trick the United States into the Mideast to “fight Muslim terrorists” when the primary purpose was to enable the worldwide, organized Jewish Shadow government to direct the US military in toppling one Arab and/or Muslim government after another to eventually make way for the expanded borders of “Greater Israel.”
Please see Nicky Nelson’s full blockbuster research file by clicking below and spread this post far and wide, even though the article is in unfinished form.
Kurds – Breakthrough Research on the “Greater Israel” Project – Cracking the Code the Intro
Why are Christians Supporting War? Connecting the Dots… Included herein is also information discussed on the show about American Peace Activist Rachel Corrie Who Was Murdered by the Israelis Read more…
DOJ Files Prove President Kennedy fighting Zionists When Murdered Read more…
DOJ Files Prove President Kennedy & Robert Kennedy fighting Zionists When Murdered
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind – The Federal Reserve Read more…
A BIG THANK YOU TO: Dr. Kiumars Kiani (Dr. Q)
2016 Ohio Congressional Candidate & Brave American Patriot, for helping make these shows possible!
Thanks to all of our guests and volunteers &
Jim Condit Jr.
Congressional Campaign website and email:
LetFreedomRing2016.com | LetFreedomRing247@gmail.com
If you would like to help support the Reasonable Access Strategy, please Donate Here:
You can also send donations to:
Jim Condit Jr. For Congress, PO Box 11555, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
Network America, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
Ann Wright, United States is featured above: Ann has served 29 years in the US Army and retired as a Colonel. She was a US diplomat for 16 years and served in US Embassies in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Afghanistan and Mongolia. She resigned from the US government in March, 2003 in opposition to the war on Iraq. Since her resignation, she has traveled to Gaza seven times, helped organize the 1,300 person Gaza Freedom March in 2009, was a passenger on the Challenge 1 in the 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, was an organizer for the 2011 US Boat to Gaza and a boat leader on the 2015 Gaza Freedom Flotilla. She was also an organizer for Gaza’s Ark. She is an organizer for the 2016 Women’s Boats to Gaza and is serving as a boat leader.